开始使用 Drizzle 和 Xata

This guide assumes familiarity with:


这是项目的基本文件结构。在 src/db 目录中,我们在 schema.ts 中有表定义。在 drizzle 文件夹中,有 SQL 迁移文件和快照。

📦 <project root>
 ├ 📂 drizzle
 ├ 📂 src
 │   ├ 📂 db
 │   │  └ 📜 schema.ts
 │   └ 📜 index.ts
 ├ 📜 .env
 ├ 📜 drizzle.config.ts
 ├ 📜 package.json
 └ 📜 tsconfig.json

第一步 - 安装 @xata.io/client

npm i drizzle-orm @xata.io/client dotenv
npm i -D drizzle-kit tsx

第二步 - 设置连接变量

Create a .env file in the root of your project and add your database connection variable:


第三步 - 生成 Xata 客户端

要生成 Xata 客户端,请参考 Xata 文档

第四步 - 将 Drizzle ORM 连接到数据库

Create a index.ts file in the src/db directory and initialize the connection:

import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/xata-http';
import { getXataClient } from './xata'; // Generated client

async function main() {
    const xata = getXataClient();
    const db = drizzle(xata);


第五步 - 创建一个表

Create a schema.ts file in the src/db directory and declare your table:

import { integer, pgTable, varchar } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const usersTable = pgTable("users", {
  id: integer().primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
  name: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull(),
  age: integer().notNull(),
  email: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull().unique(),

第六步 - 设置 Drizzle 配置文件

Drizzle config - a configuration file that is used by Drizzle Kit and contains all the information about your database connection, migration folder and schema files.

Create a drizzle.config.ts file in the root of your project and add the following content:

import 'dotenv/config';
import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit';

export default defineConfig({
  out: './drizzle',
  schema: './src/db/schema.ts',
  dialect: 'postgresql',
  dbCredentials: {
    url: process.env.DATABASE_URL!,

第七步 - 向数据库应用更改

You can directly apply changes to your database using the drizzle-kit push command. This is a convenient method for quickly testing new schema designs or modifications in a local development environment, allowing for rapid iterations without the need to manage migration files:

npx drizzle-kit push

Read more about the push command in documentation.


Alternatively, you can generate migrations using the drizzle-kit generate command and then apply them using the drizzle-kit migrate command:

Generate migrations:

npx drizzle-kit generate

Apply migrations:

npx drizzle-kit migrate

Read more about migration process in documentation.

第八步 - 填充和查询数据库

Let’s update the src/index.ts file with queries to create, read, update, and delete users

import 'dotenv/config';
import { eq } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/xata-http';
import { getXataClient } from './xata';
import { usersTable } from './db/schema';

async function main() {
  const xata = getXataClient();
  const db = drizzle(xata);

  const user: typeof usersTable.$inferInsert = {
    name: 'John',
    age: 30,
    email: 'john@example.com',

  await db.insert(usersTable).values(user);
  console.log('New user created!')

  const users = await db.select().from(usersTable);
  console.log('Getting all users from the database: ', users)
  const users: {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    email: string;

  await db
      age: 31,
    .where(eq(usersTable.email, user.email));
  console.log('User info updated!')

  await db.delete(usersTable).where(eq(usersTable.email, user.email));
  console.log('User deleted!')


第九步 - 运行 index.ts 文件

To run any TypeScript files, you have several options, but let’s stick with one: using tsx

You’ve already installed tsx, so we can run our queries now

Run index.ts script

npx tsx src/index.ts

We suggest using bun to run TypeScript files. With bun, such scripts can be executed without issues or additional settings, regardless of whether your project is configured with CommonJS (CJS), ECMAScript Modules (ESM), or any other module format. To run a script with bun, use the following command:

bun src/index.ts

If you don’t have bun installed, check the Bun installation docs