使用 with 子句可以帮助您通过将复杂查询拆分为称为公共表表达式 (CTEs) 的较小子查询来简化复杂查询:
Insert into … select
As the SQLite documentation mentions:
The second form of the INSERT statement contains a SELECT statement instead of a VALUES clause.
A new entry is inserted into the table for each row of data returned by executing the SELECT statement.
If a column-list is specified, the number of columns in the result of the SELECT must be the same as
the number of items in the column-list. Otherwise, if no column-list is specified, the number of
columns in the result of the SELECT must be the same as the number of columns in the table.
Any SELECT statement, including compound SELECTs and SELECT statements with ORDER BY and/or LIMIT clauses,
may be used in an INSERT statement of this form.
To avoid a parsing ambiguity, the SELECT statement should always contain a WHERE clause, even if that clause is simply “WHERE true”, if the upsert-clause is present. Without the WHERE clause, the parser does not know if the token “ON” is part of a join constraint on the SELECT, or the beginning of the upsert-clause.
As the PostgreSQL documentation mentions:
A query (SELECT statement) that supplies the rows to be inserted
And as the MySQL documentation mentions:
With INSERT … SELECT, you can quickly insert many rows into a table from the result of a SELECT statement, which can select from one or many tables
Drizzle supports the current syntax for all dialects, and all of them share the same syntax. Let’s review some common scenarios and API usage.
There are several ways to use select inside insert statements, allowing you to choose your preferred approach:
You can pass a query builder inside the select function.
You can use a query builder inside a callback.
You can pass an SQL template tag with any custom select query you want to use